Difference between a personal injury & workers comp attorney
Both personal injury and workers comp lawyers represent accident victims. If you're injured at work in Indiana, you need to know the difference. Learn more.
Hiring the Best Workers’ Compensation Attorney
If you're injured at work, it's important to consider hiring a workers comp attorney to receive proper medical care and financial compensation. Learn how to find the best workers compensation attorney.
Injured on the Job? When to Hire a Workers Compensation Attorney
With a work injury, it's never to soon to contact a workers comp lawyer. Learn why and how to increase the odds of a favorable outcome for your workers comp claim.
Is Tennis Elbow Covered by Workers' Comp in Indiana?
Tennis elbow is a common workplace injury among Indiana workers. In most cases, Carlock Legal can help employees get the insurance support they're entitled to.
What is a permanent partial impairment (PPI) rating and do I have to accept it for my settlement?
A PPI rating is the percentage of your body that has been permanently damaged. It is very rare to recommend that a client settle for just the value of the initial PPI rating...
What can I do if my insurance adjuster is slow or doesn’t return my telephone calls?
Adjusters are busy and have lots of files but there is no excuse for neglecting your case. There are ways to get other people involved when adjusters are unresponsive...