Difference between a personal injury & workers comp attorney
Both personal injury and workers comp lawyers represent accident victims. If you're injured at work in Indiana, you need to know the difference. Learn more.
Injured on the Job? When to Hire a Workers Compensation Attorney
With a work injury, it's never to soon to contact a workers comp lawyer. Learn why and how to increase the odds of a favorable outcome for your workers comp claim.
Doctors Notes Are a Must for Workplace Injuries
Always get an medical evaluation after incurring a workplace injury to prevent workers comp insurers from denying your claim. Rely on Carlock Legal to guide you through next steps and work to get you fairly compensated.
Who Picks the Doctor in an Indiana Worker’s Compensation Case?
Injured workers in Indiana are often confused by the question of “who gets to choose the doctor?” The answer varies depending on the situation. Learn more.
During a worker’s comp claim injured workers talk to people, many of who are compensated by the insurance company and may provide inaccurate information.