Difference between a personal injury & workers comp attorney
Both personal injury and workers comp lawyers represent accident victims. If you're injured at work in Indiana, you need to know the difference. Learn more.
Hiring the Best Workers’ Compensation Attorney
If you're injured at work, it's important to consider hiring a workers comp attorney to receive proper medical care and financial compensation. Learn how to find the best workers compensation attorney.
Should worker's comp pay for my future medical needs?
Insurance companies usually try to cut off all money and medical treatment when their doctor places you at maximum medical improvement (MMI). But in some cases, the cost of future medical care can be added to a settlement...
Guide for Injured Workers (Do’s and Don’ts) about the Indiana Worker’s Compensation Process
Learn the most important things an injured worker in Indiana should both know and do - the Do's and Don'ts of the Indiana Worker’s Compensation Process.
During a worker’s comp claim injured workers talk to people, many of who are compensated by the insurance company and may provide inaccurate information.